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Visit Chemistry Stores
- Self-service storeroom selling over 400 items
- Located on the ground floor of the Chemistry Building (CB)
- Review the stock catalog to view our in-stock items.
- Due to university policy, we only sell to University of Iowa personnel, student U-Bills, and campus partners with a valid MFK.
Shared Services
Services include:
- Travel reimbursements
- Credit card purchases
- Dry ice
- Subscription renewals
- Memberships
- Prepayments
- Purchase orders
- Research subject expenses
Contact Shared Services staff at
230 N. Madison Street
W1 Chemistry Building (CB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: 319-335-3562
Access and support
Staff members are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily unless posted otherwise.
Chemistry and authorized personnel have 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily badge access. Other departments may request additional access. Our goal is to work together to promote course instruction and research.
Closed on university holidays. If closed at any other time, postings will be on our web page and/or outside our doors.
Frequently asked questions
Where is Chemistry Stores?
230 N. Madison Street, Room W1 Chemistry Building (CB), ground floor and accessible from either the north or south entrance
Who can purchase from Chemistry Stores?
University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students with an active Master File Key (MFK) may purchase stock from Chemistry Stores.
Can I use cash or my Iowa One Card to pay for items in Chemistry Stores?
We can now bill your U-Bill for lab coat and goggle purchases by scanning your ID. Ask our staff if you would like to purchase an item with your student account/U-Bill.
We do not accept cash or credit card transactions at this time.
What if I want to purchase an item not stocked in Chemistry Stores?
Specialty orders may be placed by contacting Shared Services,, located in Chemistry Stores. If you have an item that you would like to have placed into stock, please let us know.
Can I return a Chemistry Stores purchase?
Yes, as long as it has not been used and it is returned within the month of purchase.
What products are in Chemistry Stores?
Visit the storeroom stock catalog to view our catalog.
How do I purchase small amounts of liquid nitrogen and where is it located?
Smaller amounts of liquid nitrogen are purchased like any other stock item. The self-service station is located in W47 Chemistry Building (CB). Larger dewars can be ordered by calling Linde Industrial Gases, Supply, Equipment & Services at 319-363-2156.
Does Chemistry Stores ship packages?
Chemistry Stores ships packages for Department of Chemistry personnel using a valid Chemistry MFK via UPS or FedEx. A $5 service fee is incurred for all shipments.
Fill out the shipping label request form and contact Evelyn Knight at for the shipping label.
Will Chemistry Stores ship hazardous infectious materials or dry ice packages?
No, hazardous infectious materials nor dry ice packages may not be shipped from Chemistry Stores.
Where can I find Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) biological, hazardous, universal, and radioactive waste labels?
Labels can be be obtained as a non-charge stock item in Chemistry Stores or directly from the EHS website. For EHS assistance, contact Michelle Kempf (5-4143).
Chemistry Stores staff

Alexis Jansen

Kaylee Keyster

Evelyn Knight

Sandy Mast