The UI central NMR facility provides various services to the university-wide research and educational community as well as local commercial enterprises. The research investigators, students, post-doctoral associates and staff are welcome to make requests accordingly.

NMR services

User training

The NMR facility provides basic and advanced training for the university researchers to operate the equipment and collect data by themselves. Users interested in getting trained on any one of the spectrometers housed in the NMR facility requires to go through general information and safety materials with the staff members at least once.

Training form Key form

Hands-on 1D spectroscopy

The users are trained to collect, process and plot one dimensional 1H, 13C, 13C-DEPT, 31P, and 19F NMR spectra on bruker Av300, Dpx-300, Fourier-300, Drx-400, Aviii400, Av500, and Aviii600 spectromters. The users are requested either to consult with the staff members or their supervisors in deciding the suitable instrument(s) on which they are to be trained; as the technical capabilities, sensitivity, resolution, and ease of use vary widely among the spectrometers, a judicious choice of the instrumentation for training is particularly important. Considerations include:

  • Ease-of-use:
    1. av300, dpx-300 and drx-400 require manual shimming
    2. drx-400 requires manual tuning and matching
    3. Aviii600 requires 1.7 nmr tubes
  • Access restrictions:
    1. Aviii400 has limited access to researchers during class sessions
    2. Dress code

Access to instrumentation

The NMR is housed in three locations of the Chemistry Building (CB). The NMR spectrometers placed in ground floor are accessed with traditional keys, whereas the equipment present in second and third floor locations require AMAG cards.

Spectral service

The services include but not limited to: a) 1D, 2D and multidimensional data collection, processing and plotting, b) variable temperature measurements, c) NMR spectral analysis, d) design, development, and implementation of methods for data collection and analysis. Please consult with a staff member prior to submitting samples such that a suitable action plan can be identified.


The facility staff are keenly interested in establishing research collaborations with the Research Investigators. Two types of research collaborations are considered.

Type A: Existing funded research projects. The staff may execute projects directly and/or supervise users to accomplish the goals with the consent from the faculty supervisors. In this respect, assistance will also be provided to help prepare the manuscripts and thesis dissertations.

Type B: Research projects in the early stages of definition and yet to be funded. The facility will assist faculty and research staff to design and implement suitable NMR components to include in the project.

We believe these type of collaborations are mutually beneficial to the facility and the researchers. Interested faculty and staff researchers are welcome to contact us for preliminary discussions.

Grant proposal

The facility can assist in writing the NMR sections of a grant proposal. This assistance can be provided either as a service (with a hourly rate) or the facility staff participating actively as co-investigators. If the study is still in the planning stages, assistance may also be provided for research investigators for collecting preliminary results in order to facilitate the submission of stronger grant applications.


NMR education is promoted by the staff conducting mini-workshops, lecture series and regular classes on various NMR related subjects with the emphasis on theory, experimentation, or analysis. Lectures on selected topics in existing courses may also be requested. We will also actively participate in the training of TAs performing the NMR experiments as part of a course. Assistance can also be provided to integrate new NMR experiments with the existing course curriculum.