Claudio J. Margulis
- Physical, Computational and Theoretical chemistry
- Ionic-liquids
- Molten salts
Research interests
Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids Research
Research into high-temperature molten salts (MS) is undergoing a revival because of their advantages for clean and sustainable energy harvesting; think molten salts nuclear reactors and solar energy capture. In the past couple of decades, we have also seen a massive expansion in the design of ionic liquids (ILs) -the lower temperature cousins of the MSs- for specific applications including for energy (batteries and supercapacitors), to capture gases such as carbon dioxide, and to dissolve cellulose just to mention a few applications. With a focus on all these topics, and in collaborations with many others from multiple universities and national laboratories, our group is interested in the structure, structural dynamics, and reactivity of these systems and species dissolved in them.
Honors & Awards
Spiers Memorial Lecture (2024)
Kavli Fellow (2003)
NSF CAREER Award (2006)
Sugata Ray Award (1998)
Selected Press Recognition Articles
sky news “Deciphering Electron Behavior in Molten Salts”, 2023
PHYS.ORG “Electrons are quick-change artists in molten salts, chemists show”, , 2023
AAAS EurekAlert! News Release “Electrons are quick-change artists in molten salts, chemists show”, , 2023
Brookhaven National Laboratory Newsroom “Electrons are Quick-Change Artists in Molten Salts, Chemists Show”, , 2023
Oak Ridge National Laboratory News “Electrons are quick-change artists in molten salts, chemists show”, , 2023
HPC Wire “ORNL Enhances Understanding of Nuclear Reactors Using State-of-the-Art Computer Modeling”,
newswise, DOE SCIENCE NEWS SOURCE, “Electrons are quick-change artists in molten salts, chemists show”, , 2023
The MSEE EFRC are winners of Life at the Frontiers of Energy Research Video Contest "Salt for the Earth", Department of Energy, (2019) Please see
Chemical & Engineering News “Tracking Electrons in Ionic Liquids” November 4, 2013(
Selected Research Articles (Full List with Links in the Margulis Group Page)
Do Ionic Liquids Slow Down in Stages? B Borah, GR Acharya, D Grajeda, MS Emerson, MA Harris, AM Milinda Abeykoon, Joshua Sangoro, Gary A Baker, Andrew J Nieuwkoop, Claudio J Margulis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (47), 25518-25522, 2023
Complete Description of the LaCl3–NaCl Melt Structure and the Concept of a Spacer Salt That Causes Structural Heterogeneity. MS Emerson, S Sharma, S Roy, VS Bryantsev, AS Ivanov, R Gakhar, Michael E Woods, Leighanne C Gallington, Sheng Dai, Dmitry S Maltsev, Claudio J Margulis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (47), 21751-21762, 2022
A pictorial view of viscosity in ionic liquids and the link to nanostructural heterogeneity. WD Amith, JC Araque, CJ Margulis. The journal of physical chemistry letters 11 (6), 2062-2066, 2020
Modern room temperature ionic liquids, a simple guide to understanding their structure and how it may relate to dynamics. JC Araque, JJ Hettige, CJ Margulis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (40), 12727-12740, 2015
How is charge transport different in ionic liquids and electrolyte solutions? HK Kashyap, HVR Annapureddy, FO Raineri, CJ Margulis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (45), 13212-13221, 2011
Heterogeneity in a room-temperature ionic liquid: Persistent local environments and the red-edge effect. Z Hu, CJ Margulis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (4), 831-836, 2006
- Physical and computational chemistry