Chamari Mampage, a doctoral student in the Stone research group in the Department of Chemistry, earned the top prize in the Fine Particle Art Competition at the 38th Annual American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR) Conference in October 2020.

The prize-winning work entitled Particulate Puppy is a scanning electron micrograph of biological spores and dust particles. Mampage also earned a third prize for her work Love is in the Air. The particles featured in her micrographs were collected in Iowa City as part of a research study on atmospheric sub-pollen particles under extreme weather conditions. All images were collected at the University of Iowa Central Microscopy Research Facility. Mampage shares this recognition with her collaborators Prof. Elizabeth A. Stone, Dagen Hughes, and Lillian Jones.

Photo Captions: (Top) Particulate Puppy (first place) A scanning electron micrograph of biological spores and dust particles arranged in the shape of a puppy in samples collected by a cascade impactor in Iowa City, Iowa on a rainy day in spring 2019. (Middle) Love is in the Air (third place) A scanning electron micrograph of a heart-shaped particle collected by a cascade impactor in Iowa City on a rainy day in spring 2019.