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Learn from expert faculty and work with your peers while conducting impactful research in energy, environment, and medicine all at an R1 institution using the latest tools for scientific discovery.

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Whether you're passionate about solving complex scientific challenges or shaping the future of chemistry education, Iowa offers a supportive environment where your ideas can flourish.

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Study chemistry at Iowa, where innovative research, dedicated mentorship, and a vibrant community will set you up for success in STEM careers and beyond.

3 students in a chemistry lab working on a project together


Undergraduate Students

chemistry students in large lecture class

120 +

Graduate Students

close-up of chemistry beakers with clear fluid

50 +

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News and announcements

CLAS chemistry faculty member researching how to implement AI in classroom

Monday, March 3, 2025
Adam Brummett, associate professor of instruction in the Department of Chemistry, was awarded a nearly $50,000 grant to further his work using AI to create personalized feedback for students that is based off instructor prompts and direction.


Analytical Seminar- Dr. Kimberly Parker

Thursday, April 3, 2025 12:30pm
Pomerantz Center
"Environmental Chemistry at the Nexus of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Health"

Final Thesis Defense: Samantha Kruse

Friday, April 4, 2025 2:00pm
Chemistry Building
"The Effects of Ionizing Radiation on a Series of Solid-State Materials: From Organics to Actinides"

Colloquium- Prof. Farnaz A. Shakib

Friday, April 4, 2025 3:30pm
Pappajohn Business Building
Prof. Farnaz Shakib, Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology https://people.njit.edu/profile/shakib Bio: Dr. Shakib completed her Bachelor degree in applied chemistry at the University of Tabriz, Iran, followed by her Master in computational organic chemistry at Tarbiat Modares University. She obtained her PhD from University of Alberta, Canada, with Prof. Gabriel Hanna in 2016. Her PhD studies was the starting point of her career in...
Sacrificing Iowa’s Land and Water to Feed the World: A public talk by David Cwiertny promotional image

Sacrificing Iowa’s Land and Water to Feed the World: A public talk by David Cwiertny

Saturday, April 5, 2025 10:00am
Phillips Hall
A public lecture by David Cwiertny, the William D. Ashton Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Environmental Policy Research Program at the University of Iowa. This talk is part of Iowa City Darwin Day Science Fest, a celebration of science and its many contributions to humanity, which takes place on April 3, 4 & 5.
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